Ontario Regulation 288/07 – Source Protection Committees, regulates the form and activities of the source protection committee. The regulation specifies:
- the number of members of each source protection committee across Ontario
- the process to appoint these members and their term of appointment
- the general makeup of the committee to include one-third persons to reflect the interests of the municipalities that are located, in whole or in part, in the source protection area or source protection region; one-third persons appointed to reflect the interests of the agricultural, commercial or industrial sectors of the source protection area’s or source protection region’s economy, including small business interests; and one-third persons appointed to reflect interests other than the interests noted above, including, in particular, environmental, health and other interests of the general public
- the requirement of the committee to prepare rules of procedure for conducting the business of the committee
- the requirement of the committee to prepare a code of conduct and conflict of interest policy for members of the committee
All meetings of the source protection committee are open to the public. All agendas are posted to this website prior to committee meetings and minutes of the meetings held are published shortly after the meetings.
The Rules of Procedure and the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy were recently revised and approved by the Source Protection Committee and are awaiting endorsement from the Source Protection Authorities later this year. To review these documents please click on the following links.