The Source Protection Plans, as mandated by the Clean Water Plan Act, 2006 are the culmination of extensive science-based assessments, consultation, collaboration, and research. The Plan (two plans combined into one document) contain essential policies to ensure that activities that pose significant threats to municipal drinking water sources in the Halton Region Source Protection Area and the Hamilton Region Source Protection Area cease to exist or never become significant.
The Source Protection Committee developed policies with the aid of municipal personnel and other specialists and through broad consultation with stakeholders and the general public. The policies require implementation by municipalities, conservation authorities, stakeholders or agencies and may affect the use of properties for certain activities.
The Source Protection Plans include general policies that set out timelines and designate land uses and activities in relation to drinking water threat policies, significant threat policies based on prescribed and local threats, and other policies set out to achieve the Plans’ objectives. In addition, monitoring policies, necessary to evaluate the implementation of significant threat policies, are included.
Most importantly, the policies contained in the Source Protection Plans provide the municipalities and residents of Halton Region and Hamilton Region Source Protection Areas with the necessary foundation, information, and agenda to support and carry out the province’s ongoing commitment to protecting our precious drinking water sources.
The Source Protection Plan (Version 3.2) for the Halton Region Source Protection Area and Hamilton Region Source Protection Area was approved by Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, on August 5, 2015. Minister Murray noted “Your community is to be commended on the achievement of this important milestone. This is an example of the local, inclusive, community-based approach to protecting source water envisioned by the Clean Water Act.” The source protection plan took effect on December 31, 2015.
The source protection plan was amended in 2017/18 and approved by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on January 30, 2019. This amendment was proposed by the source protection authorities under Section 34 of the Clean Water Act to amend the mapping of the wellhead protection areas for the Greensville municipal well system.
Following four years of technical work, the source protection plan was updated under S.36 of the Clean Water Act. The Halton-Hamilton Source Protection Plan (23 MB) was approved on November 4, 2022. The associated assessment reports that form part of the plan can be found on the Assessment Report webpage
Please note these documents may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us at sourceprotection@hrca.on.ca or call 905-336-1158.
Annual Progress Reports
Annual Progress Reports outline progress made in implementing the Halton-Hamilton Source Protection Plan.
2023 Halton-Hamitlon Annual Progress Report
2022 Halton-Hamilton Annual Progress Report
2021 Halton-Hamilton Annual Progress Report
2020 Halton-Hamilton Annual Progress Report
2019 Halton-Hamilton Annual Progress Report
2018 Halton-Hamilton Annual Progress Report
Explanatory Documents
To support the policies proposed for implementation in the Source Protection Plan, the Source Protection Committee has also prepared the Explanatory Document. This document includes the information considered during policy development, the rationale for the selection of each policy, and a brief summary of the results of the consultation processes. It is suggested that the Explanatory Document (Version 3.1) be read in conjunction with the Plan.
Please note these documents may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us at sourceprotection@hrca.on.ca or call 905-336-1158.
Does a Policy Apply to Your Activities?
If you require assistance to understand the Source Protection Plan and whether policies apply to the activities occurring on your land, or you’d like more information, we’d be pleased to help.
Please contact the Manager, Source Water Protection for the Halton-Hamilton Source Protection Region at sourceprotection@hrca.on.ca
or contact your municipal source water protection staff representative:
- City of Hamilton – Carmen Vega Carmen.Vega@hamilton.ca 905.546.2424 ext. 1301
- Halton Region – Daniel Banks Daniel.Banks@halton.ca 905.825.6000 ext. 7545
- Township of Puslinch – Kyle Davis kdavis@centrewellington.ca 519.846.9691 ext. 362
- Peel Region – Therese Estephan therese.estephan@peelregion.ca 905.791.7800 ext. 4339
- Niagara Region – Alexander Disyak alexander.disyak@niagraregion.ca 905.980.6000 ext. 3772