Assessment reports are the foundation for the development of source protection plans. Much research and many technical studies were completed to characterize the drinking water resources of the Halton Region and the Hamilton Region Source Protection Areas. The best available scientific information was used in preparing the reports. The assessment report for each Area summarizes the findings of this background work and characterizes the watershed by reporting on its:
- Physical and human geography – including landforms, land cover, population distribution and land use
- Soil and bedrock geology
- Watershed and subwatershed descriptions
- Meteorological conditions
- Monitoring programs – meteorological, surface water and groundwater
- Water use
- Water budgets and stresses on the water resources in each subwatershed
- Risks to the sustainability of the water sources
- Vulnerability assessments of municipal surface water and groundwater systems
- Issues and threats to the municipal drinking water sources
The delineation of vulnerable areas where certain activities could negatively impact the quality and/or quantity of the Areas’ sources of drinking water lead to the identification of activities occurring now and those that may occur in the future. The assessment reports identify the risks to municipal drinking water sources from these activities and the source protection plans contain policies to address these specific threats.
The Halton Region and Hamilton Region Assessment Reports will be amended occasionally as new information or study findings become available. The approved versions of the reports that are in effect are available for download from the links below and in printed form by contacting the source protection office.
Assessment Report for the Halton Region Source Protection Area
Version 4.1 (55 MB) approved November 4, 2022 – comprehensive update under S.36 of the Clean Water Act, 2006
Assessment Report for the Hamilton Region Source Protection Area
Version 4.1 (29 MB) approved November 4, 2022 – comprehensive update under S.36 of the Clean Water Act, 2006.
Please note these documents may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us at sourceprotection@hrca.on.ca or call 905-336-1158.
Technical Studies
The Assessment Reports rely on comprehensive technical work, including studies completed by consultants retained by partner municipalities and studies by Conservation Authority staff. View these studies.